To integrate a Google Sheets into your Typper BI environment, follow the comprehensive steps below:


Choose the Data Source Type


  1. Navigate to the ‘Add Data Source’ page in your Typper BI dashboard.
  2. Under the ‘Databases’ section, select the ‘Google Sheets’ option.

Add Data Source Connection Details


Provide the necessary connection details in the form fields:

  1. URL: Enter the full Google Sheets URL in the format
  2. Data Source Name: Assign a unique name for easy identification of your database within Typper BI.
  3. Typper BI Email: Ensure that the Typper BI’s Email address able to access your document.

Select the Schemas to Use


  1. Once the database connection is successful, you’ll be prompted to select the schemas you wish to use.
  2. Choose the relevant schemas that contain the data needed for your analytics.

Schemas Verification


Typper BI will load and verify the tables from the selected schemas. You might have to wait a few moments while the system processes the tables.


Confirm the Pages (Tables) and Columns


  1. After schemas are loaded, select the tables and specific columns you need for your reports.
  2. You can add descriptions to each table to provide context for our AI.

Finalize Adding Your Data Source


  1. Review all the details and ensure that everything is correctly set up.
  2. Click ‘Add Data Source’ to complete the process.


Here’s how to resolve some of the most common errors related to registering a sheet.

Unsupported file format

Instead of importing data, you can convert an Excel file into a Google Sheets file and continue working on it in Sheets. The Excel file will not be changed.

  1. Open Drive and double-click an Excel file. A file preview will open.
  2. At the top, click Open with Google Sheets.
  3. Click File and then Save as Google Sheets.

To automatically convert all future Office file uploads into Google Sheets files, do the following:

  1. At the top of Drive, click the gear icon and then Settings.
  2. Next to “Convert uploads,” enable the option Convert uploaded files to Google Docs editor format. Note: Files uploaded previously will not be converted.

In Drive, you will see both the Excel file and the new Sheets file. Choose between keeping the Excel file or deleting it. If you decide to keep the Excel file, to avoid confusion, you could rename it as [Archived] My document.xls or something similar.