In Typper BI, we have integrated an advanced AI to assist you with data analytics, providing insights and generating reports through natural language processing. Prompt engineering is a technique used to interact effectively with our AI, allowing you to get the most accurate and helpful responses.

What is Prompt Engineering?

Prompt engineering involves crafting questions or commands in a structured way that guides the AI to understand and deliver the information you need efficiently. Good prompt engineering helps in minimizing misunderstandings and maximizes the quality of the AI’s responses.

Best Practices for Prompt Engineering

Here are some best practices to follow when interacting with our AI:

  1. Be Specific: The more detailed your prompt, the better the AI can understand and respond to your request. Instead of saying “Get sales data,” specify the time frame and metrics, e.g., “Show me the total sales data for Q1 2024.”
  2. Use Clear and Concise Language: While our AI is sophisticated, it’s still important to be clear and direct. Avoid using slang or overly complex sentences.
  3. Provide Context When Necessary: If your query is about a specific report or dataset, provide that context. For example, “In the monthly sales report, identify which product had the highest growth in sales.”
  4. Iterate Your Prompts: If the initial response from the AI isn’t quite what you were looking for, refine your prompt and try again. The AI learns from each interaction, so iterative prompting can lead to better results.
  5. Utilize Keywords: Keywords that represent the action you want to take or the data you’re interested in can be very helpful. For example, “analyze,” “compare,” “forecast,” etc., are strong directive words that signal to the AI the type of analysis you’re seeking.

Examples of Effective Prompts

Here are some examples of well-structured prompts for our AI:

  • “Analyze the sales trends for product A and compare it with product B for the last year.”
  • “Forecast the quarterly revenue for the upcoming year based on the past three years’ data.”
  • “Identify any outliers in the weekly transactions data for the electronics department.”


Prompt engineering is a skill that enhances your interaction with our AI, turning complex data queries into simple conversations. By following these best practices, you can craft effective prompts that allow our AI to serve as a valuable extension of your analytics team.

Remember, while the AI is a powerful tool, the quality of output is significantly influenced by the input it receives. Taking the time to construct thoughtful, well-structured prompts will ensure that you receive the best possible insights from your data.