In Typper BI, SQL variables are powerful tools that allow for dynamic querying and enhanced interactivity within reports and dashboards. SQL variables in Typper BI adhere to the Handlebars.js templating syntax, which provides a simple yet effective way to insert dynamic content into your SQL queries.

What is a SQL Variable?

A SQL variable can be thought of as a placeholder in your SQL query that can be replaced with dynamic values at runtime. These values can be user inputs, such as a date range or a specific category, which allows users to customize the data they wish to see in the reports.

The Utility of SQL Variables

SQL variables are particularly useful in creating interactive reports where the data needs to be filtered according to user preferences or when generating the same report for different parameters without the need to write multiple queries. For instance, if you have a sales report that needs to be generated weekly, monthly, and yearly, instead of creating three separate reports, you can create a single report with a date variable that changes based on user selection.

For more information about the Handlebars.js syntax, which is used for declaring variables in Typper BI’s SQL queries, you can refer to the Handlebars.js documentation.

By utilizing SQL variables in your queries, you create a flexible and dynamic reporting environment that adapts to your analytic needs.